Enrich traffic data with date features, names and uptime filters.
This function add day, weekday, hour, segment_name and full_name and uptime quality boolean. This function is already used by the data retrievement process.
Same dataframe with additionnal informations : day, hour, weekday, holiday, vacation, segment_name, uptime_quality
enriched_traffic <- enrich_traffic(traffic[0:10,])
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
setdiff(colnames(enriched_traffic[0:10,]), colnames(traffic[0:10,]))
#> character(0)