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This function add day, weekday, hour, segment_name and full_name and uptime quality boolean. This function is already used by the data retrievement process.





Raw data frame from the Telraam API, imported through the package.


Same dataframe with additionnal informations : day, hour, weekday, holiday, vacation, segment_name, uptime_quality


enriched_traffic <- enrich_traffic(traffic[0:10,])
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
#> This ID is unknown. Please update configuration file.
setdiff(colnames(enriched_traffic[0:10,]), colnames(traffic[0:10,]))
#> character(0)